
  • Instantiate KMS Signer Client
  • Getting the public key
  • Getting the checksummed address
  • Signing legacy transaction
  • Signing EIP1559 transaction

Here are some common things you might want to do with eth kms signer.

Instantiate KMS Signer Client

KMS Signer Client can be instantited by providong the region in which the KMS service is located on AWS.

from eth_kms_signer import EthKmsClient

client = EthKmsClient(region_name="aws-kms-region")

Getting the public key

You can retrieve the public key using

pub_key = client.get_public_key(key_id)

Getting the checksummed address

You can also retrieve the checksummed address corresponding to a key id using

checksummed_address = client.get_address(key_id)

Signing legacy transaction

Sign a EIP 155 transaction using:

tx = {
    "nonce": nonce,
    "to": "0x7EeD368F105a6eaC9Ac645bC3440fEa9A6C3D531",
    "value": w3.toWei(12, "wei"),
    "gas": 21000,
    "gasPrice": w3.toWei(1, "gwei"),
    "chainId": "0x4",
signed_tx = client.sign_transaction(tx, key_id)
tx_hash = w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_tx)

Signing EIP1559 transaction

Sign a EIP 1559 Dynamic Fee transaction using:

tx = {
    "nonce": nonce,
    "to": "0x7EeD368F105a6eaC9Ac645bC3440fEa9A6C3D531",
    "value": w3.toWei(12, "wei"),
    "gas": 21000,
    "maxFeePerGas": w3.toWei(1, "gwei"),
    "maxPriorityFeePerGas": w3.toWei(1, "gwei"),
    "type": "0x2",
    "chainId": "0x4",
signed_tx = client.sign_transaction(tx, key_id)
tx_hash = w3.eth.sendRawTransaction(signed_tx)